Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Examining The Traditional Indigenous Community Structures Religion Essays

Inspecting The Traditional Indigenous Community Structures Religion Essays Inspecting The Traditional Indigenous Community Structures Religion Essay Inspecting The Traditional Indigenous Community Structures Religion Essay Customary Autochthonal people group were truly organized and the individuals inside them submitted to numerous innate Torahs and statutes. Autochthonal individuals accept that all their standard Torahs were built up during the Dreamtime ( the clasp of innovative action ) by their ascendants. These Torahs decided the fitting practices of various individuals inside the people. The Torahs other than chose which supplements could be eaten, how supplement ought to be shared, individuals s rights and obligations, family unit guidelines, marriage understandings, otherworldly duties and punishments for the individuals who overstepped the guidelines ( Customary Law, Traditional Life, Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islanders, 2005 ) . 2.0 The assorted variety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Torahs There are around 500 known Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander states ( Hamper et.al, 2009, p.58 ) . Inside every one of these states are a figure of kinfolks. Every one of these families has their ain region, conventions and ceremonies and has built up an alone statute. In this way, there are 1000s of signifiers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people groups standard statute. Be that as it may, the entirety of the families have a strict balance by which to compose their statute. For representation, the Dreamtime is critical to the constitution of the statute and the capacity of the land and spiritualty in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standard law. 3.0 The strict idea of standard statute The central principle of customary Aboriginal society is faith in the solidarity of the strict, human and characteristic universe ( Aspects of Traditional Aboriginal Australia, 2007 ) . Native spiritualty depends on the Dreaming ( got from Dreamtime ) , Totems and association with land and natural structures of H2O. 3.1 The Dream This strict perspective is known as the Dreaming, and it pervades each feature of conventional Aboriginal life. The significance of the Dreamtime lies in the way it tells how the alcohols made and kept up the land and how they set out the statute. The part of the Dreaming is that each bit of the existence power the Ancestral Beings, the land, the ocean, universes, zoologies, vegetations and normal wonders is inseparably and everlastingly associated with each other segment. Besides, through the perception of custom and formal, universes can come in into an immediate relationship with the Dreaming ( Aspects of Traditional Aboriginal Australia, 2007 ) 3.2 Totems An of import feature of Aboriginal spiritualty is the conviction that each individual has a totem. Totemism portrays the connection between a man with a works or quicken being species, or a status or a situation. In customary Aboriginal conviction every individual s totem starts in the topographic point where that singular s female parent was impregnated with a soul kid. Soul kids are discharged in impossible to miss hallowed topographic focuses by the Ancestral Beings. For outline, a pregnant grown-up female close to the site of a goanna will er unborn child is immediately associated with the goanna totem31. 3.3 Connection with land and natural structures of H2O The nearby bonds between Aboriginal individuals and the physical and strict universes are especially obvious comparable to land. Land is vested in every individual from the etymological correspondence bunch as a consecrated heritage from the Dreaming, and in this manner gives the establishment to the gathering s being. Each gathering s region is truly, profoundly, monetarily and socially key for continuance. Therefore, association with land is a worked in bit of the brain of each person inside the phonetic correspondence gathering. 4.0 The attributes of Aboriginal and Torres waterway Islander statute There are four cardinal attributes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people groups standard statute ; orally based, understanding on Torahs all through the entire gathering, family and proclivity ties and, in view of customs and conventions. A cardinal trait of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander statute is the develop of shared responsibility for land and assets. This build is in ruined rather than European law, which is given to the standard of private possession 5.0 Ritual and unwritten conventions The rituals that every family rehearsed originated from their various readings of the Dreamtime. These rituals were found in all nations of life, including confidence and standard statute. Along these lines to European law, subsequently, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standard law has a solid custom segment. For outline, ceremonial ceremonials influencing specific consecrated locales, vocal rhythms are joined by move, and natural structure picture, and even athleticss ( Autochthonal Traditions Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, 2006 ) . One of the main attributes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standard statute is that it is unwritten law. This implies the law is non recorded however on the other hand transmitted by expression of oral depression. Every coevals must recover the Torahs thus experience them on to the undermentioned coevals. Tunes, move and accounts were utilized to help individuals from the kinfolk recover the various Torahs that applied to their gathering. One of the occupations related with unwritten law is that it tends to be overlooked or misjudged. As one coevals gives the law to another, it is simple for it to be accidentally altered. To show signs of improvement of this activity, Aboriginal individuals would only dismissal a statute that had changed to the point that it was currently uncalled for. This is one of the main points of interest of unwritten law: its flexibleness. As a general public adjusts, so can the law. In European-based lawful frameworks, modifying the law includes a long and typically tedious methodology ; as an impact, the legitimate framework can leave measure with the standpoint of society. 6.0 Dispute Resolution Debate statement includes intervention and pacification did by seniors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people group. Intervention includes all gatherings engaged with a distinction talking through their issues and looking to choose their occupations through exchange. As opposed to passing out punishment to a person who broke innate Torahs or imposts, Autochthonal legitimate convention holds that it is smarter to hold a family unit part converse with the individual and exertion to choose the activity by treatment. Where a distinction could non be settled through intercession, pacification would be utilized. In this strategy for contrast affirmation, the seniors of the society would run into with the individuals in the battle and exertion to assist them with making a presentation through treatment and duologue. Their silver hair much of the time recognizes seniors, in any case, more youthful shrewd work powers would other than participate in gatherings. In any case, the seniors in Autochthonal people group are expiring out doing it difficult to remember them for gatherings. 7.0 Sanctions There are army faces inside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people groups standard statute. The essential faces include: cultural scorn and detachment, reprisal, battling and disdainful, test by trial and, examination. Ancestral punishment is existing in Aboriginal development. Conventional punishment is a development of standard law ; rebuffs transgressors violatin and violating Aboriginal people group esteems. Theway in which punishment is spread out is like that of the Australian criminal justness framework. A gathering is held comprising the charged, complainant and seniors who choose the discipline and the disagreeableness of punishment. A representation of a typical punishment is the blamed being skewered a figure for times in the thigh. 8.0 You should reason your examination with a notion, upheld by grounds, regarding whether the two signifiers of statute viable are perfect and could exist together in Australia. There are significant contrasts between the advanced Australian legitimate framework dependent on English normal law and Indigenous standard Torahs. Under Australian statute there is an unmistakable partition between legitimate undertakings and profound cultural and virtues. In any case, customary Aboriginal law is ineluctably founded on Aboriginal confidence ; the Dreamtime gives the adequate codifications of conduct in all aspects of life. A few nations of standard statute are perfect in Australia, for example, intercession and affirmation of customary land. A signifier of intercession alluded to as circle condemning has been consolidated into the condemnable justness framework. For representation, the Koori council, a venture of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement, expects to right overrepresentation of Autochthonal miscreants in the condemnable justness framework through the introduction of equity related plans and administrations in association with the Koori people group ( Message Stick Koori Court, 2005 ) . The individuals from the Koori Court contain network pioneers, an officer and a senior of the network. Trial of hover censuring in various nations of Australia have been fruitful. Circle condemning has diminished the boundaries that by and by exist among Courts and prompted improvements in the level of help for Aboriginal transgressors ( Lawlink NSW: 3. Native Customary Law, 2000 ) . In add-on, the Lardil Peoples v. Territory of Queensland [ 2004 ] FCA 298 shows the turning affirmation of significance of natural structures of H2O to the Autochthonal Australians. The conventional owners ( the Lardil, Yangkaal, Kaidilt and Gangalidda pe

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Organization Management

Presentation Organizations are intelligent of an aggregation of various factors inside and outside its setting. The accomplishment of any associations is constantly licensed to the great authority style utilized by the top executives.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Organization Management explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the exhibition of an association relies on an assortment of elements including inner just as outside elements. Inward factors may incorporate administration procedure received by the organization while outer components involve issues, for example, government arrangement, rivalry and globalization, just as the general condition inside which an association works. Top supervisors play out a vital job in the administration of any association through their job of contriving procedures just as planning approaches managing the company’s activities towards accomplishing the set objectives and destinations (Hanson, 20 08; Sadler, 2003). In addition, they additionally have an order of coordinating and planning the general activities of organizations. Through their controlling and driving job, the directors are answerable for assigning assets to different offices notwithstanding driving the others in the supervisory group to adequately complete their obligations. Subsequently, the top supervisors extraordinarily influence the presentation of the associations. Nonetheless, different partners, for example, supervisory group, government just as the business are similarly significant in the presentation of the firm (Hooke, 2010). Interior elements influencing the exhibition of an organization The key authority hypothesis holds a few realities to the extent the connection between top chiefs and authoritative picture and execution is concerned. Regardless, the official administrators are associated with offering positions of authority that push the exhibition of their associations. As pioneers, the offic ial supervisors structure the organization objectives and goals that are intended to guide the tasks of the firm (Hooke, 2010). Besides, the chiefs detail arrangements just as concocting techniques to guarantee that the planned objectives and goals are accomplished. The organization is subsequently represented by the arrangements figured just as systems received by these chiefs (Minichilli et al, 2010).Advertising Looking for article on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The arrangements accordingly oversee each aspect of the organization tasks including relationship among the representatives inside the organization, their relations with the bosses just as the clients. Subsequently, the tasks of an association are monstrously influenced as is its exhibition (Minichilli et al, 2010). Then again, procedures received by the official administrators likewise have direct effect on the exhibition of an associ ation (Richard, 2009; Sadler, 2003). As per Richard very much educated supervisors can shape the association they lead (16). The administration methodologies executed decides to a huge degree the intensity of a firm contrasted with its rivals in the business. Hitt et al (2009) contend that a company’s serious capacity is improved when the supervisors build up just as actualize techniques that increase the value of the organization (4). For example, such rivalry was seen among Airbus and Boeing where both the organizations received distinctive serious techniques to make due in the market as well as make benefits. Airbus presented very gigantic with a huge limit while its rival picked a medium-sized plane with a traveler limit yet productive along these lines winning the serious fight (Hitt et al, 2009). By and large, Richard reasons that such position to settle on choices in the interest of the organization is just left for the top supervisors in brought together hierarchical frameworks yet designated to bring down authoritative levels in decentralized frameworks (Richard, 2009). Official chiefs are additionally gave with a significant job of controlling the assignment of assets inside the association. They hence have the authority over the circulation and designation of assets to the different organization offices (Jing and Avery, 2008). Very much educated chiefs would guarantee impartial circulation of such assets which thusly improve the exhibition of the homestead as each department’s necessities is dealt with. In any case, poor asset allotment would make shortage of such indispensable prerequisites in certain offices in this way affecting adversely on the hierarchical exhibition (Jing and Avery, 2008).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Organization Management explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The official directors are along these lines consulted with the position and capacity to assign basic assets just a s make decides that oversee such designation. Therefore, the top administrators directly affect the presentation of an organization. In any case, Golsorkhi et al (2010) takes an alternate point of view concerning such powers (111). They contend that the managers’ power is controlled by the standards of an appropriate direct as shared by their partners just as junior workers inside the association (Golsorkhi et al, 2010). They repeat the reliance of hierarchical structure and the office as specified in the auxiliary hypothesis. As per the hypothesis, the assets are constrained by the current standards and guidelines which happen to shape a social framework (Golsorkhi et al, 2010). Outer components influencing the presentation of an organization The exhibition and notoriety of an organization is likewise authorize to different factors separated from the administration techniques embraced by the top directors. These outer powers may compel the organizations to embrace certain te chniques that would influence their presentation emphatically or more terrible still, contrarily. At the beginning, political powers may force an association to hold fast to the laid laws, for example, charge laws and natural consistence (Ofosu-Amaah, 2000). These enactments will shape the organization to be socially just as ecologically cordial thus improving its open picture and notoriety (Ofosu-Amaah, 2000). Besides, governments may choose to offer appropriations to association in which they have proprietorship trying to expand their profitability just as continue work in those organizations. For example, countries, for example, France, Spain and Germany have obtained proprietorship in the Airbus in this way guaranteeing the organization succeeds in business accordingly controling the increased joblessness rate (Hitt et al, 2009). Nonetheless, raised assessments collected on the associations may discharge them from their operations.Advertising Searching for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Then again, biological viewpoint discredits the way that hierarchical achievement is completely authorize to the top directors yet to the earth inside which the association works. The earth here may incorporate such factors as globalization and rivalry (Pine and Davies, 1999). In the ongoing past, there has been an enlarged reliance between various economies just as associations. Such relations have improved the presentation of the included associations as they can trade current administration procedures just as advancements essential for both their endurance just as benefit. Alternately, rivalry has affected on the exhibition of various association in a similar industry (Pine and Davies, 1999). Through rivalry, organizations have turned to mergers so as to defeat the business leaps presently saw in the serious market. Such merger empowers the associations to gain from others’ the executives procedures just as tackle relevant and muddled issues in the business together (Hanson , 2008). By receiving other fruitful organizations’ technique, the organizations in rivalry can improve their presentation massively (Hitt et al, 2009). End Organizations are intelligent of an assortment of an assortment of variables inside and outside its setting. In the first place, the presentation of any association is affected by the administration methodology received by the supervisory group just as other outer variables including the general condition inside which it works rivalry, globalization just as government approaches, for example, charge laws. Reference List Golsorkhi, Damon et al (2010) Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. Hanson, D. (2008) Strategic Management: Competitiveness and globalization. third version. Asia Pacific, Thomson. Hitt, Michael et al (2009) Strategic administration: intensity and globalization: ideas cases. eighth version. Florence. Cengage Learning, Inc. Hooke, Jeffrey (2010) Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street + Companion Web Site: A Comprehensive Guide to Today’s Valuation Methods. second version. New York. John Wiley and Sons. Jing, Fenwick and Avery, Gayle C. (2008) Missing Links In Understanding The Relationship Between Leadership And Organizational Performance. Sidney. Macquarie University. 7(5). 67-78. Minichilli, Alessandro et al (2010) Top Management Teams in Family-Controlled Companies: ‘Familiness’, ‘Faultlines’, and Their Impact on Financial Performance. Diary of Management Studies. 47(2) 205â€222. Ofosu-Amaah, Paati (2000) Reforming business-related laws to advance private part improvement: the World Bank involvement with Africa. Washington DC. World Bank Publications. Pine, Joseph and Davies, Stan (1999) Mass customization: the new boondocks in business rivalry. Harvard. Harvard Business Press. Richard, L. (2009) Organization Theory and Design. tenth release. Florence. Cengage Learning, Inc. 2009 p16. S

The euro star Essay Example for Free

The euro star Essay The euro star is more than reasonable for those with incapacities the Eurostar is Dedicated to giving the most elevated level of administration for every one of its travelers, the Eurostar terminals at London St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International, just as the traveler trains themselves are extraordinarily prepared for the individuals who may require extra offices or administrations. So to finish up for the Eurostar I would prescribe to Parents with kids to pick this choice over others, nonetheless on the off chance that the clients need a vehicle while in Paris, at that point I would pick an alternate choice, in spite of the fact that as the Paris station is in Disneyland Paris the requirement for a vehicle isnt likely except if the lodging they are remaining in is outside the Disneyland Paris territory. Wheelchairs There are 2 assigned zones on the train, each for one wheelchair client and friend in Leisure Select (top notch), mentors 9 10. They offer the wheelchair client the alternative to remain in their wheelchair in the event that they wish and should be - 8-utilized if travelers can't stroll at any rate 200m independent. Call for help catches are likewise fitted. If it's not too much trouble note that the assigned wheelchair spaces are for travelers that have their own wheelchair. An extraordinary passage is accessible for both wheelchair client and partner, it would be ideal if you enquire at the hour of booking. Uncommon Assistance Special help is not, at this point bookable ahead of time. Help is orchestrated face to face upon the arrival of flight at the help work area and is dependent upon accessibility. In the event that the traveler figures they may require help getting to or from the train, they would need to show up before the expected time as they can (ideally at any rate 1 hour preceding flight). Guide Dogs Guide hounds are acknowledged ready, anyway please note under no different conditions may creatures travel on Eurostar. Debilitated toilets with call for help catches are accessible at the flight lounges at London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International stations and furthermore on the trains themselves in First Class Leisure Select Coaches 9 and 10. What's more, an additional note for the crippled travelers Eurostar Door Widths: Toilet 522mm/Exit Door 850mm/Disabled Toilet 7200mm - 9-Euro burrow Eurotunnel is the organization answerable for building the twin railroad burrows under the English Channel connecting Britain and France at Folkestone, in Kent and Coquelles, in the Nord Pas-de-Calais. Eurotunnel runs its own bus administration that conveys travelers and their vehicles among Folkestone and Calais. Eurotunnel additionally charges other rail administrators, as Eurostar, to utilize the Channel Tunnel or Chunnel as we regularly call it. Eurotunnel works an armada of 25 transport trains to ship vehicles, mentors and trucks and their drivers and travelers. Trains run 24 hours per day, seven days per week. There are 3 trains an hour between 06:00-00:00, and 2 trains an hour among 12 PM and 06:00. The van has now been in activity for more than 12 years and since its first business administrations 177 million individuals have gone through the Channel Tunnel that is multiple times the number of inhabitants in both France and England! Eurotunnel transport timetable Eurotunnel runs 34 transport benefits a day, 7 days per week, both from Calais to Folkestone, and from Folkestone to Calais. By and large, there are 2 administrations an hour between 06:00-23:00, 1 help an hour between 23:00-01:00 and around 1 assistance like clockwork between 01:00-06:00. - 10-Journey time among Folkestone and Calais is 35 minutes between 06:00-23:00 and around 45 minutes between 23:00-06:00. The Passengers need to check in at any rate 30 minutes before your vans due takeoff time. Eurotunnel have a decent record for on time flights. Disch:1 Above is the place Eurotunnel crosses the English Channel. Eurotunnel is an extraordinary method to take your vehicle on vacation with, and as should be obvious it has incredible street connects to every other piece of Britain. - 11-Eurotunnel transport tolls Eurotunnel has various toll alternatives. Costs inside one ticket alternative can shift a lot contingent upon various elements, for example, to what extent you book ahead of time, what sort of vehicle youre taking and to what extent youre remaining. Standard vehicle passage The normal standard charge for a vehicle up to 1. 85 meters high is I 49-I 75 one way. Note that standard admissions are altogether increasingly costly whenever booked at short notification. The cost incorporates the vehicle and every one of its travelers. The quantity of travelers can be any number up to the greatest the vehicle can lawfully convey. Cruisers: passages are around Registered guide hounds travel free So this could be the perfect method to go for anybody with challenges with their sight, likewise this could be perfect for individuals going on enormous outings, for example, school trips as the Eurotunnel has adequate offices to take mentors on, and as a feature of essential research I have really been on a mentor in the Eurotunnel and I thought it was a decent method to travel and was simple and brisk. Despite the fact that its not as immediate as the Eurostar, as the client should drive from Calais to Disneyland Paris yet it is made simple to get to Disneyland Paris as the traveler can take their vehicle with them, just as there being taxis accessible structure Calais. The image above shows the distinctive leaving focuses in the south shoreline of England, to the various areas in France wherein you can make a trip to. The most likely course for travelers from Maldon would be Dover to Calais. - 13-http://www. seafrance. com/cs/Satellite/uk/ship dover-calais/schedule to-dover? packedargs=site%3DSF_Pax_Uk the purple course is the best course, for voyagers from Maldon, from Maldon to Dover, the explorers can either pass via vehicle or get a taxi there, yet clearly you can take your vehicle on the ship or, similar to the Eurotunnel, if the voyagers are on a mentor trip the ship is available for mentors so the ship could be ideal for school trips, and what isolates a ship from the Eurotunnel is that the travelers can stroll around ready and visit eateries, shops, bars, and arcades. There is likewise relaxed territories with open to seating, so for travelers going on business, can chill with a beverage and whenever needed can continue ahead with some work in a quiet situation. On the off chance that the Traveler decided to utilize Sea France, and are driving a vehicle When they show up at the port of Dover, theyll need to experience movement and customs so this underlines the security of the ship. At that point they simply need to just follow the signs to the Sea France registration corners where an individual from the Sea France group will process their booking and give them a path number. Go to the vehicle paths and hold up until youre welcome to get on. Once locally available, the Sea France group will guide you on the vehicle deck. Likewise when leaving their vehicle, they will reminded to try to leave the handbrake on. They will likewise be reminded to bring all that they need for the excursion with them to the traveler regions, since access to the vehicle decks isn't allowed during the intersection. In the event that theyre going with a pet, at that point Sea France may be the organization to use for intersection anyway it should remain in the vehicle during the intersection. It is additionally simple to make a note of where your vehicle is left, so the explorers can discover it effectively when its opportunity to land. Travelers going by bike will likewise have the option to go via Sea France however should walk their bicycle up the incline on to the boat. What's more, For their wellbeing, if it's not too much trouble be cautious when leaving your cycle on the vehicle decks and adhere to the groups guidelines. For those travelers with sight troubles then they could pick Sea France as though youll be joined by a guide pooch or help hound they are free to get on with you for nothing out of pocket. So to close the ship would be acceptable again for school trips, and conceivably guardians with youngsters as the kids will have enough stuff to do on the ship to keep them engrossed. Likewise this is the extravagance choice for the individuals who need a vehicle, transport or bike in France to go around, as you can clearly take your vehicle with you.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Biography of Genghis Khan, Founder of the Mongol Empire

Life story of Genghis Khan, Founder of the Mongol Empire Genghis Khan (c. 1162â€August 18, 1227) was the unbelievable organizer and pioneer of the Mongol Empire. In a range of only 25 years, his horsemen vanquished a bigger region and more noteworthy populace than the Romans did in four centuries. To the a huge number of individuals vanquished by his crowds, Genghis Khan was shrewd in bodily form; in Mongolia and Central Asia, in any case, he was generally worshipped. Quick Facts: Genghis Khan Known For: Khan was the author and pioneer of the Mongol Empire.Also Known As: TemujinBorn: c. 1162 in Delun-Boldog, MongoliaDied: August 18, 1227, in Yinchuan, Western XiaSpouse(s): Borje, Khulan, Yesugen, Yesulun (in addition to others)Children: Jochi, Chagatai, Ogedei, Tolui (in addition to other people) Early Life Records of the Great Khans early life are inadequate and opposing. He was likely conceived in 1162, however a few sources state 1155 or 1165. We realize that the kid was given the name Temujin. His dad Yesukhei was the head of the minor Borijin family of roaming Mongols, who lived by chasing as opposed to grouping or cultivating. Yesukhei had abducted Temujins youthful mother, Hoelun, as she and her first spouse were riding home from their wedding. She became Yesukheis second spouse; Temujin was his second child by only a couple of months. Mongol legend asserts that the infant was brought into the world with a blood coagulation in his clench hand, a sign that he would be an incredible warrior. Hardship and Captivity At the point when Temujin was nine, his dad took him to a neighboring clan to labor for quite a long while and acquire a lady of the hour. His expected spouse was a marginally more established young lady named Borje. In transit home, Yesukhei was harmed by rivals and passed on. Temujin came back to his mom, however the group ousted Yesukheis two widows and seven kids, leaving them to kick the bucket. The family made due by eating roots, rodents, and fish. Youthful Temujin and his full sibling Khasar developed to disdain their oldest relative Begter. They executed him and as discipline for the wrongdoing, Temujin was seized as a slave. His bondage may have gone on for over five years. Youth Set free at age 16, Temujin went to discover Borje once more. She was all the while hanging tight for him and they before long wedded. The couple utilized her endowment, a fine sable-fur garment, to make a partnership with Ong Khan of the amazing Kereyid faction. Ong Khan acknowledged Temujin as an encourage child. This collusion demonstrated key, as Hoeluns Merkid faction chose to retaliate for her some time in the past hijacking by taking Borje. With the Kereyid armed force, Temujin assaulted the Merkids, plundering their camp and recovering Borje. Temujin likewise had help in the strike from his youth kindred spirit Jamuka, who might later turn into an adversary. Borjes first child Jochi was brought into the world nine months after the fact. Solidification of Power In the wake of saving Borje, Temujins little band remained with Jamukas bunch for quite a while. Jamuka before long attested his position, as opposed to regarding Temujin as a sibling, which began a two-decade fight between the 19-year-olds. Temujin left the camp, alongside a significant number of Jamukas adherents and domesticated animals. At 27 years old, Temujin held a kurultai (inborn committee) among the Mongols, who chose him khan. The Mongols were just a Kereyid sub-group, be that as it may, and Ong Khan played Jamuka and Temujin off each other. As Khan, Temujin granted high office to his family members, however to those adherents who were generally faithful to him. Unification of the Mongols In 1190, Jamuka attacked Temujins camp, unfeelingly horse-hauling and in any event, bubbling alive his prisoners, which turned a significant number of his devotees against him. The joined Mongols before long crushed the neighboring Tatars and Jurchens, and Temujin Khan acclimatized their kin as opposed to follow the steppe custom of plundering them and leaving. Jamuka assaulted Ong Khan and Temujin in 1201. Regardless of enduring a bolt shot to the neck, Temujin vanquished and acclimatized Jamukas remaining warriors. Ong Khan at that point misleadingly attempted to snare Temujin at a wedding service for Ongs girl and Jochi, however the Mongols got away and came back to overcome the Kereyids. Early Conquests The unification of Mongolia finished in 1204 when Temujin crushed the incredible Naiman tribe. After two years, another kurultai affirmed him as Genghis Khan or widespread pioneer of all Mongolia. Within five years, the Mongols had added quite a bit of Siberia and what is today the cutting edge Chinese Xinjiang region. The Jurched Dynasty, administering northern China from Zhongdu (Beijing), saw the upstart Mongol khan and requested that he kowtow to its Golden Khan. In answer, Genghis Khan spat on the ground. He at that point vanquished their tributaries, the Tangut, and in 1214 he vanquished the Jurchens and their 50 million residents. The Mongol armed force numbered only 100,000. Victories of Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Caucasus Clans as distant as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan found out about the Great Khan and toppled their Buddhist rulers so as to join his developing realm. By 1219, Genghis Khan controlled from northern China to the Afghan borderâ and from Siberia to the fringe of Tibet. He looked for an exchange union with the amazing Khwarizm Empire, which controlled Central Asia from Afghanistan to the Black Sea. King Muhammad II concurred, yet then killed the principal Mongol exchange escort of 450 traders, taking their products. Prior as far as possible of that year, the furious Khan had caught each Khwarizm city, adding lands from Turkey to Russia to his domain. Passing In 1222, the 61-year-old Khan called a family kurultai to talk about the matter of progression. His four children differ over which ought to turn into the Great Khan. Jochi, the oldest, was brought into the world not long after Borjes capturing and probably won't have been Genghis Khans child, so the second child Chagatai provoked his entitlement to the title. As a trade off, the third child Ogodei turned into the replacement. Jochi kicked the bucket in February 1227, six months before his dad, who died on August 18, 1227. Ogodei took East Asia, which would become Yuan China. Chagatai asserted Central Asia. Tolui, the most youthful, took Mongolia appropriate. Jochis children controlled Russia and Eastern Europe. Inheritance After Genghis Khans mystery internment on the steppes of Mongolia, his children and grandsons kept on extending the Mongol Empire. Ogodeis child Kublai Khan vanquished the Song leaders of China in 1279 and built up the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan would manage all of China until 1368. Then, Chagatai pushed south from his Central Asian property, overcoming Persia. Inside Mongolia, Genghis Khan altered the social structure and transformed customary law. His was a libertarian culture, in which the humblest slave could ascend to be a military officer in the event that he indicated expertise or valiance. War goods was separated equally among all warriors, paying little heed to societal position. In contrast to most leaders of the time, Genghis Khan confided in steadfast adherents over his own relatives which added to the troublesome progression as he matured. The Great Khan prohibited the abducting of ladies, likely due to a limited extent to his wifes experience, yet additionally on the grounds that it prompted fighting among various Mongol gatherings. He banned domesticated animals stirring for a similar explanation and built up a winter-just chasing season to safeguard game for the hardest of times. In opposition to his heartless and boorish notoriety in the west, Genghis Khan proclaimed a few edified approaches that would not become regular practice in Europe until some other time. He ensured opportunity of religion, securing the privileges of Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, and Hindus the same. Genghis Khan himself loved the sky, yet he precluded the murdering of ministers, priests, nuns, mullahs, and other heavenly individuals. A 2003 DNA study uncovered that around 16 million men in the previous Mongol Empire, about 8% of the male populace, convey a hereditary marker that created in one family in Mongolia around 1,000 years back. The most probable clarification is that they are dropped from Genghis Khan or his siblings. Sources Craughwell, Thomas. The Rise and Fall of the Second Largest Empire ever: How Genghis Khans Mongols Almost Conquered the World. Reasonable Winds Press, 2010.Djang, Sam. Genghis Khan: World Conqueror, Vols. I and II. New Horizon Books, 2011.Weatherford, Jack. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. Three Rivers Press, 2004.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Database Technologies

A Holistic View on DBMS / Database Technologies Data is at the centre of most of today’s businesses and companies must pay close attention to how they store, access and use data. One of the systems at the heart of current data management is a database management system.But as with most technology products out there, people have the ability to choose from a wide range of database technologies and systems. Picking the most convenient and relevant for your business can be difficult. © Shutterstock.com | Bakhtiar ZeinThis guide will explain what database management systems are and what are the benefits of using one. We’ll also explain some of the most common distinctions between these technologies and provide a few tips on how to select the best system for your business.INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSWhat are database management systems (DBMS)? First, it’s good to understand the different components of DBMSs. At the core of a DBMS is a database, which is essentially an organized collection of data. The data in the database is modeled in a manner, which helps support processes that seek information.Creating a database is simple, but you also need to be able to use the database for different functions. This is where database management systems come into play.A DBMS is a computer software application, which helps to interact with the user of the database, different applications, as well the database itself in order to gather and analyze data. A DBMS allows interaction with the data, whether it is to create, analyze, delete or change the data within a database.While the basic function of DBMSs are essentially the same, there are certain distinctions between different solutions. Therefore, DBMSs are often further categorized into separate groups based on:the model they support,the type of device they run on,the language they use to access the database,the internal engineering of the software.What do database management systems do?Understanding the idea behind database management systems is easier if you understand the use of these systems. The DBMS provides users four core functions. These are the ability to create, retrieve, update and manage data. These functions are enabled by the way in which a DBMS helps manage three core aspects:the data,the database engine, which allows data to be accessed, locked and modified,the database schema, which defines the logical structure of the database.Management of these foundational element s allows DBMSs to perform different procedures related to the four core functions mentioned above. With a DBMS, users can perform a variety of actions including:Data managementData definitionTransaction supportCurrency controlRecoveryFacilities to import and export dataUser managementBackupPerformance analysisIn essence, a DBMS provides users a centralized view of data. For example, businesses might use a DBMS to collect information on customers, but also for operational purposes such as accounting. As we’ll see in the section below, this can have many benefits.Examples of DBMSsWe’ll be looking at different database technologies later on in the guide, but it’s helpful to mention some known examples of DBMSs. Well-known DBMSs include applications like:MySQLPostgreSQLOracleSybaseIBM DB2Check out the YouTube video below to understand the basics of DBMSs: WHY DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ARE IMPORTANT?As the above shows, a DBMS can have a number of functions. The complexity of thes e systems has evolved and in general, the software is often divided into two main categories: the general-purpose DBMSs and the special-purpose DBMS. Since DBMSs can conduct complex tasks or perform more specified roles, countless groups of people benefit from them.Typical database management system users include:Database administratorsDatabase designersApplication programmersEnd usersYet, it would be too easy to simply write-off DBMSs as software only IT-personnel need to use. There are huge benefits to using DBMS technologies, which means understanding the different systems is crucial for any business person or individual working with data.The benefits of database management systemsPerhaps the most crucial advantage of DBMSs is how it allows the end users of the application, as well as the programmers, to access and use the same data. More importantly, this happens without jeopardizing data integrity. A DBMS provides data independence; it offers flexible access to data and guarant ees access without forcing the user to necessarily understand where the data is located. To users, this kind of data independence can remove the concern over any possible changes to the structure of data.A business could easily add new information to the database, as its operations develop and change, without disruption of the existing system. Data loss or operational problems will be limited by using a DBMS.A DBMS can also enhance the integrity and security of the data. Since it’s possible to allow different levels of access to the same data, the data won’t be easily compromised. As most DBMSs also mean data is located in a physically different location from the user, the security of the data increases further.In addition, the core functions include tasks such as backup and recovery of the data. This guarantees data isn’t jeopardized while it’s being accessed and modified. Overall, it ensures uniform administration procedures for data.Finally, it must be mentioned that sinc e DBMSs can be operated remotely, it’s possible to outsource data administration. This can be especially useful for small businesses, which might not have the resources to conduct data administration themselves.TYPES OF DATABASE TECHNOLOGIESAs mentioned briefly above, there are different database technologies. Each technology offers its own pros and cons and below is a look at some of the most common technologies.Single- vs. multi-file databasesA notable difference between technologies can be whether they are single-file or multi-file databases.Single-file databaseA single-file database is the simplest database structure, as it consists of unified information, which can often be used and accessed in a pre-determined manner. Complexity in a single-file database is not commonplace.While this type of technology can provide benefits to narrowly defined data, which organizes in a limited manner, it can offer limited possibilities for use when dealing with large sets of data. For exampl e, different single-file databases don’t interact with each other, even though they might consists of the same information. Therefore, when you update one database, your other databases won’t automatically include these changes and could thus contain wrong information. Single-file databases must also be all in the same location, which can cause difficulties in storage and increase the security risk of the data.Multi-file databaseAs we’ve increased collection of data, the complexity of data has also risen. Much of the data we use is not in the above, unified format. A multi-file database links different data formats together and allows a more flexible way of organizing and using data. It provides users with the ability to link between different data sets and make sense of them.Furthermore, a multi-file database provides the advantage of splitting the database and using it from different locations. This provides the technical advantage of speed, as multiple users can access the information quicker than if it was located in the same physical location or disk.Relational vs. non-relational databasesAs the above distinction might have shown, a majority of today’s DBMSs are multi-file databases. But these can be further organised in a different manner. One of the most common options to choose between is relational vs. non-relational databases.Relational databaseThe most basic model for DBMSs is the relational database model, often referred to as RDBMS. This means that the multi-file databases mentioned above, are linked together and data from separate files can be used and accessed from different locations.The strengths of this model are similar to the strengths of DBMSs. The relational database structure is flexible and reliable. Since it’s such an established technology, the costs and risks associated with it are small.Nonetheless, there are weaknesses to RDBMSs, with the majority of them relating to specific performance issues. Relational models require pre-determined formats, which can limit the complexity and often result in issues if information is added with a different format. There’s also lack of support for complex base types, such as drawings.Note that the common relational databases are often referred to as SQL databases. The SQL refers to the programming language (Structured Query Language) and many RDBMSs, such as Oracle and MySQL, use this language for creating and processing databases.Non-relational databaseThe opposite of a relational database is a non-relational database. Since relational databases are often referred to by their programming language, SQL, the non-relational databases are known as NoSQL databases.These models are designed to bypass the problem of accessing data, which is not typically structured in a standard model. It therefore provides more scalability and flexibility to relational databases. In fact, non-relational databases can often be stored in a single-file format, because the databases are d ocument-oriented rather than structured.Non-relational technologies allow the use of non-structured data, such as videos, or photos. These datasets can be categorized in a number of ways, with pre-determined fields.The downside is that this kind of database categorization requires extra processing power. The requirements of the technology can add a strain, not only for the physical requirements, but also for the cost effectiveness of the system.Centralized vs. distributed databasesDatabases can also be stored in different manners. The most common distinction between different ways database systems are organized is between centralized and distributed databases.Centralized databaseDatabases were typically centralized, which means stored, located and maintained in a single location. In the past, this was due to the technological limitations of computers. Under this approach, the data can be accessed from different places, but the data itself is stored in a central computer or database, in a single database file.Centralized databases benefit from enhanced data integrity and minimized data redundancy, since the data is only found in a single location there’s only one primary market of it. Securing this database can be easier, as you only need to secure the single data location. Overall, the maintenance cost of the data is minimized.On the other hand, the database access relies quite heavily on network connectivity. Since the data is only stored in a single location, problems in access can result in total loss of data access. Naturally, faults in storage could potentially lead to full loss of data, which could be catastrophic for businesses.Distributed databaseTo counter some of the problems with centralized databases, distributed databases have become a popular option. In these systems, the data is stored in multiple physical locations. Furthermore, the distributed databases can be divided into homogenous and heterogeneous databases. The system includes a multi-f ile system, controlled by a single, central DBMS.The benefits of distributed systems are flexible in the sense that they provide more security in case there’s a fault in the system. Retrieving lost data is typically easier and faster in a distributed system. Often they also provide better access, as data can be accessed via multiple networks.The downside is that the creation of a distributed system can be more complex. These DBMSs are based on a hierarchical structure, making it harder to maintain data. Data redundancy can increase in a distributed system. Furthermore, since the data is scattered and provides multiple access points, securing the system can be harder.Column-oriented vs. row-oriented databasesFinally, DBMSs can differ in how the data is stored. In most instances, DBMSs are either column-oriented or row-oriented.The differences are more evident once you understand that relational databases typically provide data in a two-dimensional table. This database is essentiall y a selection of columns and rows. But in order to access this data, DBMSs have to use either a column-oriented or row-oriented approach of collecting the data. This means data is either read as a column format or a row format.Column-oriented databaseA column-oriented system means the data is stored as sections of columns of data. This means a single column consists of the values and datasets of that column and there can be a number of these columns within the database.It’s typically used in database management dealing with data warehouses, clinical data and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The approach is beneficial for these types of tasks because column-orientation helps normalize the data and read different data sets relating to the same field efficiently.But since a column-oriented database focuses on a whole column, the more complexity your data queries involve, the harder it can be to perform using this approach.Row-oriented databaseOn the other hand, a row-o riented database sees the data stored in sections of rows, rather than columns. The aim is to limit the effort in receiving data regarding a particular query. In fact, many relational database management systems tend to favor a row-oriented approach. For example, online shopping websites often use row-oriented databases for fetching product information.While this approach can provide data efficiently and quickly, it isn’t efficient when you require the use of a whole dataset. For example, if you were looking for information over personnel earning a specific salary, gathering this data would take an enormous amount of time under a row-oriented approach.SELECTING A DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMAs the above shows, there are a number of options available when it comes to database management systems. Whilst the main benefits of DBMSs remain the same, the tasks and needs of the user are essential in determining the right type of technology.Overall, when you are deciding on a DBMS, you shou ld consider these three aspects:The complexity of data â€" if you are operating multi-file databases, you definitely want to consider using appropriate and the more complex DBMSs available. In fact, under these circumstances it might be a good idea to consider outsourcing your database management. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a single-file database, you are most likely able to manage it without a complex system or understanding of DBMS.The structure of data â€" you also need to consider the way the data is structured. As the above showed, if you are looking for a DBMS for customer database management, a column-oriented software is better than row-oriented. It is important to determine not just how the data is stored, but also how you’ll use it.The feature requirements â€" naturally, you must also keep in mind feature requirements, such as operational requirements. Certain DBMSs don’t operate on platforms such as Linux or Windows, while others could use a programmin g language you are not aware of. Furthermore, since certain approaches, such as distributed databases require much more from the hardware itself, it might not be a cost effective option for your business.Finally, you should consider the kind of development and support the DBMS provides for you. This is especially important for business users, as your needs might evolve as years go by. You don’t want the DBMS to restrict your ability to upgrade later and additional software support can be crucial to ensure your business isn’t damaged while you sort out the issues with the DBMS.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

History of Plate Tectonics Essay - 825 Words

History of Plate Tectonics (Essay Sample) Content: The History of Plate TectonicsName:Institution:Introduction.Plate tectonics, based on the earlier theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener is probably the most significant geological theories ever developed. This essay aims to review the evolution of this theory as it has progressed from Wagenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s work to the present.Continental drift theoryThis theory was espoused by Alfred Wegener in 1912. According to Torsvik Cocks (2012), Wegener, a German meteorologist came up with the proposal that all the continents initially formed a single super-continent which he called Pangea, which was surrounded by a vast ocean called Panthalassa. This supercontinent later drifted apart forming the present day continents. Wegenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s based his theory on the similarity between the coastlines on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. He further expanded his concept on the premise that Permian flora as well as carboniferous fossils were found in South Africa, South America, India, Madagascar, Australia and Eastern Antarctica only and nowhere else leading him to hypothesize that these continents, now separated by oceans, were at one point joined together. Wegener hypothesized that the continents consist mainly of lighter rocks resting on heavier crustal materials and that their relative position is not fixed, but are slowly moving at the rate of approximately a yard per century. He therefore postulated a lateral movement of continents (Torsvik Cocks, 2012).A major criticism of Wegener theory is that there was no plausible mechanism to explain the lateral movement of the continents. Further, it would have been expected that due to the lateral movements, there would have been physical evidence of massive thrust faults under the margins of continents, of which none existed further casting doubts on this theory.Rolf, Coltice Tackley (2012) affirms, and so do many researchers in this field that the fact that Wagener based much of his argume nts on the apparently superficial similarity of symmetry of the coastlines, especially of South America and the West Coast of Africa further weakens his theory. Such a match can only be identified at the continental shelf level hence basing it on coastlines is inherently flawed.It appears that the major reason why there was much resistance to this theory is because much of Wegenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s work was theoretical in that he dwelt so much on building theories out of his observation as opposed to being empirical which would have involved quantitative applications to support his arguments.Contemporary plate tectonics theory.Significant technological advances in the field of geological research especially during and after the Second World War yielded new data which led to the rejection of the vertical movements as proposed by Wegener. As Rolf et al. (2012) succinctly puts it, three main discoveries provided the essential stepping stones in the development of the wider theory of Plate Te ctonics, which was largely formulated between 1965 and 1968; Studies of the bathymetry of the ocean floor revealed massive ridges filled with magma from which it was believed the seafloor was spreading, mapping of the earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s magnetic fields revealed irregular reversals of the magnetic fields polarity while studies of the paleomagnetic data from rocks of the same age from different continents showed different location of poles while that from rocks from different age from same location showed apparent reversal in polarity. The theory arose out of an attempt by geologists to explain these occurances.According to Rolf et al. (2012), this theory postulates that the earth lithosphere is made up of plates that move relative to each other across the earth. These lithospheric plates consist of seven large and 18 smaller plates that diverge, converge and slip past one another along their boundaries. These plates can be either continental or oceanic or a combination of both and li e atop a layer of partly molten rock called the athenosphere.The continental plates are mainly made up of granite and are lighter while the oceanic plates are made up of basalt and are denser. The continental plates hence float on top of the oceanic ones high up on the earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s mantle. The interaction of these plates forms various types of plate bound... History of Plate Tectonics Essay - 825 Words History of Plate Tectonics (Essay Sample) Content: The History of Plate TectonicsName:Institution:Introduction.Plate tectonics, based on the earlier theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener is probably the most significant geological theories ever developed. This essay aims to review the evolution of this theory as it has progressed from Wagenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s work to the present.Continental drift theoryThis theory was espoused by Alfred Wegener in 1912. According to Torsvik Cocks (2012), Wegener, a German meteorologist came up with the proposal that all the continents initially formed a single super-continent which he called Pangea, which was surrounded by a vast ocean called Panthalassa. This supercontinent later drifted apart forming the present day continents. Wegenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s based his theory on the similarity between the coastlines on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. He further expanded his concept on the premise that Permian flora as well as carboniferous fossils were found in South Africa, South America, India, Madagascar, Australia and Eastern Antarctica only and nowhere else leading him to hypothesize that these continents, now separated by oceans, were at one point joined together. Wegener hypothesized that the continents consist mainly of lighter rocks resting on heavier crustal materials and that their relative position is not fixed, but are slowly moving at the rate of approximately a yard per century. He therefore postulated a lateral movement of continents (Torsvik Cocks, 2012).A major criticism of Wegener theory is that there was no plausible mechanism to explain the lateral movement of the continents. Further, it would have been expected that due to the lateral movements, there would have been physical evidence of massive thrust faults under the margins of continents, of which none existed further casting doubts on this theory.Rolf, Coltice Tackley (2012) affirms, and so do many researchers in this field that the fact that Wagener based much of his argume nts on the apparently superficial similarity of symmetry of the coastlines, especially of South America and the West Coast of Africa further weakens his theory. Such a match can only be identified at the continental shelf level hence basing it on coastlines is inherently flawed.It appears that the major reason why there was much resistance to this theory is because much of Wegenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s work was theoretical in that he dwelt so much on building theories out of his observation as opposed to being empirical which would have involved quantitative applications to support his arguments.Contemporary plate tectonics theory.Significant technological advances in the field of geological research especially during and after the Second World War yielded new data which led to the rejection of the vertical movements as proposed by Wegener. As Rolf et al. (2012) succinctly puts it, three main discoveries provided the essential stepping stones in the development of the wider theory of Plate Te ctonics, which was largely formulated between 1965 and 1968; Studies of the bathymetry of the ocean floor revealed massive ridges filled with magma from which it was believed the seafloor was spreading, mapping of the earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s magnetic fields revealed irregular reversals of the magnetic fields polarity while studies of the paleomagnetic data from rocks of the same age from different continents showed different location of poles while that from rocks from different age from same location showed apparent reversal in polarity. The theory arose out of an attempt by geologists to explain these occurances.According to Rolf et al. (2012), this theory postulates that the earth lithosphere is made up of plates that move relative to each other across the earth. These lithospheric plates consist of seven large and 18 smaller plates that diverge, converge and slip past one another along their boundaries. These plates can be either continental or oceanic or a combination of both and li e atop a layer of partly molten rock called the athenosphere.The continental plates are mainly made up of granite and are lighter while the oceanic plates are made up of basalt and are denser. The continental plates hence float on top of the oceanic ones high up on the earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s mantle. The interaction of these plates forms various types of plate bound...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on The Meaning of the Gettysburg Address - 564 Words

Essay on the Meaning of the Gettysburg Address While the Gettysburg Address is fairly short in length at around 300 words, this famous speech delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1963 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is both enduring and meaningful for all Americans today, almost exactly 146 years later. The first paragraph of his speech sets the tone, in which Lincoln does not directly mention the bloody Battle of Gettysburg, in which 50,000 soldiers lost their lives. Instead, he refers in the opening phrase, â€Å"Four score and seven years ago,† to the founding of America through another important written document, the Declaration of Independence in 1776. I believe Lincoln wanted the country to focus on preserving this†¦show more content†¦I believe he is again focusing on preserving the country and uniting all Americans, North and South, behind the nation and reminding them of our common history. President Lincoln also refers to the dedication of the Battlefield of Gettysburg, emphasizing that this is,† a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.† Clearly, Lincoln wants to remind all citizens that these thousands of casualties were for a great purpose of preserving this country, not dividing it through a Civil War. In the third paragraph, President Lincoln stresses the important point that the words of his speech cannot actually bless or make holy the Battlefield of Gettysburg. Rather, he indicates the bravery of the men, both living and dead, has already made the ground of the battlefield sacred. Again, Lincoln is honoring the actions of all the soldiers, Union and Confederate, and trying to unite the nation instead of dividing it. In the last paragraph of the speech, President Lincoln is telling the American people that the proper way to honor the brave soldiers is to dedicate and devote your life to the country, one which there will be, â€Å"a new birth of freedom.† Lincoln points out this government will represent all the people, and will remain forever. President Lincoln, through this speech is trying heal the nation that is divided by the great Civil War, and offeringShow MoreRelatedMeaning Behind The Gettysburg Address Essay572 Words   |  3 PagesWhile the Gettysburg Address is short in length at around 300 words, this famous speech by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is still both enduring and meaningful for all Americans today, almost exactly 146 years later. The first paragraph of his speech sets the tone, in which Lincoln does not directly mention the bloody Battle of Gettysburg, in which 50,000 soldiers lost their lives. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Basic Processes Of A Relationship Attachment And Divorce

Basic Processes of a Relationship: Attachment and Divorce Introduction (5 points) Pitch perfect is a modern comedic musical, which follows the journey of one college girl, Beca, through her membership of an all-girls acapella group. Through her experiences in acapella, she meets a man, Jesse, who is in their rival acapella group, and they exhibit an initial attraction towards each other. In this scene, Beca displays playful fighting and touching with Jesse with obvious signs of affection and gratitude for bailing her out jail. However, this emotion suddenly switches when she finds out he did not bail her out, he called her dad to. Beca became very defensive and independent once she knew her dad was there. Her severe very negative reaction†¦show more content†¦Her father exercises his control over her and forbids her of her dream to produce music in Los Angeles. The father also does not allow Beca to tell her side of the story, discrediting her opinions, and forcing her to get in the car to go home. All of these relationship issues are greatly impacted due to the relationship between Beca and her father and the attachment style Beca learned from her parents. This paper will explore how attachment style is affected in children of divorce and how that leads to future success or failure in their adult romantic relationships; In this case, specifically looking at college age students. Even further in depth, the paper will also examine the dynamic relationship between divorced fathers and their children, and how certain characteristics within that relationship will affect the child’s romantic relationships. Lastly, it will explore the possibility of attachment style changing due to better and more stable relationships made in the future. Assertion (5 points) The relationship is between two college age students where the Beca, has an avoidant style of attachment. Her parents divorced early in her life attributing to the cause of her avoidant attachment style, and this also led to the disconnect with her father. Because of this she is having difficulty in letting a romantic partner, Jesse, come too close to her. Her nonverbal

Monday, May 11, 2020

Marijuana Is A Safe And Non Addictive Drug - 1094 Words

In the United States the most illicitly abused drug is Marijuana, which is made from a Cannabis plant (Merrill 308). Many people have come to the conclusion that Marijuana is a safe and non-addictive drug because of the legalization of Marijuana in the United States. Unbeknown to the public, the carcinogenic compounds are actually greater in Marijuana than in cigarettes (Cohen, qtd. in Margolis 9). Subsequently, studies show that Marijuana ultimately impacts every primary system in the body (Margolis 12). Furthermore, over the years Marijuana has caused health risks such as addiction, irregular brain function, and decreased motor skills. Addiction is one of the leading health risks in Marijuana and is commonly found in early adults than†¦show more content†¦In addition, it has been documented that Marijuana stays in the body for five to seven days (Martin, qtd. in Margolis 8). An increasing hospitalizations have been documented due to a slow buildup of THC in the body thus the addict is never â€Å"drug-free† (Axelrod, qtd. in Margolis 8). Legalization of Marijuana reveals that, â€Å"A growing number of children under the age of 12 have been admitted to the hospital for Marijuana intoxication† (7). Therefore, addiction is at its highest as THC accumulates in the fatty tissues affecting the body, brain, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes (Axelrod, Kreuz, and Lemberger, qtd. in Margolis 8). Nonetheless, a commonality among all age groups is the inability to stop using Marijuana due to the less intense high they receive from smoking Marijuana. For example, â€Å"About one in ten marijuana user s becomes dependent on the drug† (Legalization of Marijuana 7). â€Å"This findings implies that the regular user must smoke increasing amounts of marijuana to obtain the same subjective high† (Margolis 8). Thus proving that the more the regular user abuses Marijuana will cause an unhealthy addiction. Another, leading health risk of Marijuana is irregular and impaired brain function. Many Marijuana users have a higher risk of psychological problems. These psychological problems include: depression, anxiety, and an increased risk of acute episodes are seen among

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Future of Education - 693 Words

The Future of Education As teachers our primary concern should be the students and what type of learning environment will be best suited to meet their needs. There are many different opinions as top what the most effective or appropriate curriculum is for the students. I do not believe there is any one philosophy that can provide the ideal curriculum for each and every student. Just as there are numerous methods of teaching, there are also numerous ways to learn. It is essential that we keep this in mind as we help the students achieve their goals and discover their talents. Above all we must encourage the students to try new things and do what we can to prevent limiting them in any way. I do not feel that I†¦show more content†¦I think that many of the schools today merely try to prepare the students to move on to college and by doing so exclude the students who are gifted with other abilities that are equally important and useful in society, even though those talents may not necessarily be something that can be refined through a traditional four year college. As a future teacher, I very strongly believe that students need to be shown practical applications of the concepts they are taught. For myself this is especially notable in mathematical applications. As teachers we need to not just show how to work through a problem: we need to show why it works and what it is useful for. Without something to apply the information to math is nothing more than a stream of numbers and formulas that students memorize for a specific test and then quickly forget. By demonstrating specific examples of applications the students will be able to retain some of the information easier and then adapt what they learn to other problems they encounter in the future. Upon graduation I hope to begin teaching Math at the middle school or high school level. Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra would be my first choices of classes I would like to teach, but I feel I would enjoy teaching any of the other forms of math. 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Charlottetown Conference Free Essays

The Charlottetown Conference By the early 1860s, the British colonies of North America were considering the benefits of a union. The American Civil War had created a new military power and a renewed threat to the small, divided colonies to the north. And British public opinion had been in favour of reducing, if not eliminating government spending in North America, especially for defence. We will write a custom essay sample on Charlottetown Conference or any similar topic only for you Order Now In September 1864, British North American politicians met in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island to discuss the possibility of a union. (Courtesy of the National Archives of Canada) In September 1864, the Atlantic provinces – Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland – organized a conference to discuss a union among themselves. Governor General Monck asked that the province of Canada be invited to their talks, â€Å"to ascertain whether the proposed Union might not be made to embrace the whole of British North American Provinces. † Canada’s most prominent politicians journeyed down the St. Lawrence River on a 191-ton steamer, with $13,000 of champagne in its hold, to attend the conference in Prince Edward Island. Those on board included John A. Macdonald, and George Brown from Upper Canada and George-Etienne Cartier, Thomas D’Arcy McGee and Alexander Galt from Lower Canada. Each journeyed to Charlottetown with a different motive in mind. Cartier felt that if he could persuade the Maritimes to join in a union, together their population would balance that of Upper Canada. In contrast, Brown wanted an end to what he considered French domination of English affairs – the end of a political stalemate. Macdonald was worried about American aggression and felt that the united British colonies, perhaps, could resist their powerful neighbour. In the 1860s, John A. Macdonald was instrumental in creating the Dominion of Canada and became its first prime minister. (Courtesy of the National Archives of Canada) The group of eight cabinet ministers and three secretaries arrived in Charlottetown on the same day as Slaymaker’s and Nichol’s Olympic Circus, the first circus to visit the island in 20 years. The harbour was deserted with most of the town at the circus. The delegates to the conference soon formed a different, political circus with a marathon of speeches, protests, lobster lunches, resolutions, picnics, alliances, flirtations and champagne balls. On the first official day of the conference, Macdonald spoke at length about the benefits of a union of all of British North America. The next day, Galt – a businessman, finance minister, and railway promoter – presented a well-researched description of the financial workings of such a union. On the third day, George Brown discussed the legal structure. And on the fourth day, McGee praised the nationalist identity, one that he saw bolstered by a vivid Canadian literature. Prominent politician George-Etienne Cartier was the leading spokesman for French Canada during Confederation negotiations. Courtesy of the National Archives of Canada) The original intent of the conference to discuss a Maritime union was overwhelmed by talk of a larger union. In a matter of days the Maritimers and Canadians had persuaded each other to create a new federation. The delegates were giddy with success and the celebration party continued in Halifax, Saint John and Fredericton. But the terms of the union remained to be worked out – a daunting political task. The delegates agreed to meet again in Quebec City the following month. How to cite Charlottetown Conference, Papers

The Drovers Wife free essay sample

The drover’s wife, by Henry Lawson, describes a woman whose husband was a drover with four children. The story wants to tell us about a problem that a drover’s wife faced. One day, there was a snake in the house. Because of wanting to protect her children, she stayed awake all night to protect, she stayed awake all night to guide her children who were sleeping on the bed near the kitchen. She and her snake-dog killed the snake and burnt it in the next morning. Among all characters portrayed in this story, I am interested in the drover’s wife the most for these reasons. First, she was a strong and smart woman, because she had fought all the difficult tasks without her husband’s help; she coped them accordingly. Second, she was a protective and reliable mother and honest wife, for the whole night, she kept her eyes wide open to make sure the snake wouldn’t appear again and it wouldn’t bite her children. We will write a custom essay sample on The Drovers Wife or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A mother always cared and worried about her kids and she never complained about her harsh life with her husband’s absence. She didn’t care about herself when she fought the flood that devastated the dam; she still thought of her husband’s feeling if he was here and knew about disaster. However, I think there aren’t many women could ever done like her, not many women would devote herself into dangerous situation like this. Third, her character showed me lots of ideas that woman could stand by her won feet. Her love was unique, strong and special. Even though, her character might show us that she should be weak, but it was not. What I have significantly learnt from story is that we won’t get what want, but we could manage what we have. I strongly believe that it wasn’t a life that the drover’s wife wanted; however, she didn’t complain; yet she learnt to enjoy her own life. Although she could feel her happiness in the Young  Lady’s Journal and used the handkerchief, which was full of holes. Moreover, the story also teaches me to fight with our life, we shouldn’t give up easily and each time we should make ourselves brave. The story has given us lots of good lessons in our lives, I do appreciate on how well the story was written, but also how the author put the great experience on woman’s role in marriage life. I love this story, but it is quite wide critical. I also would like to recommend this story to other friends as well, especially to women that it is important to stay on their feet.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Relationship Between Language and Culture

Introduction Language and culture are intertwined. One cannot define or identify cultural orientations without citing variations in language. The purpose of the essay is to clearly highlight the issue of intercultural communication with reference to language.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between Language and Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What is culture? Culture describes variations in values, beliefs, as well as differences in the way people behave (DeVito 2007). Culture encompasses everything that a social group develops or produces. Element of culture are not genetically transmitted and as such, they have to be passed down from one generation the next through communication. This explains why it is easy to adopt a certain language depending on the shared beliefs, attitudes and values. The existence of different cultures can be explained using the cultural relativism approach which sti pulates that although cultures tend to vary, none is superior to the other (DeVito 2007). Learning of cultural values can be done through enculturation whereby individuals learn the culture of their birth. Alternatively, one can be acculturated into a culture that is divergent from their basic culture (DeVito 2007). Language and its role in culture Language is the verbal channel of communication by articulating words that an individual is conversant with. This is aimed at relaying information. In other words, it is the expression of one’s culture verbally (Jandt 2009). Language is the first element that helps an individual to distinguish the cultural orientations of individuals. Through language, we are able to differentiate between for example, a Chinese national and a Briton. The main functions of language are generally for information purposes and for the establishment of relationships.Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Ge t your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Different cultures perceive the use of language differently. Whereas an American regards it as a useful communication tool, a Chinese will use their language to relay their feelings and to establish relationships. It is through such variances of language that different cultures have placed on the usage of their language show the link between the two study variables (Jandt 2009). Role of language in cultural diversity Intercultural communication refers to communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. Due to the differences in cultures, there is a high probability that a message will be misunderstood and distorted. Difference in languages leads to challenges in the interpretation of for example, politeness, acts of speech and interaction management. Normally, differences in languages lead to impediments in understanding. This is due to the difference in perception in as far as values are concerned. Language shapes our lines of thought and as such, it is the core element that shapes how people perceive the world. The way people communicate is largely due to their cultures of origin. Language increases the rate of ethnocentrism in individuals thus furthering their self-centeredness in culture. As a result, they are less responsive to the different means of communication that are not similar to their own values and beliefs (McGregor eta al 2007). Language further heightens the aspect of accelerating cultural differences as it openly showcases the variations in communication. In turn, this view tends to impede negatively on intercultural efforts, thereby having a negative impact on the communication between individuals of different cultural orientations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between Language and Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion There is need for individuals to evaluate the usage of language in order to effectively interpret the shared meanings that are meant to be communicated. It is important therefore that individuals from a multi cultural context look at each other beyond their differences in order to enable effective communication. Reference List DeVito, J A. (2006) Human communication the basic course, 10 th edition. Boston, Mass: Pearson / Allyn and Bacon. Jandt, F E. (2007) An introduction to intercultural communication: identities in global  community. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. Mohan, T, McGregor, M T, Saunders, H Archee, S. (2008) Communicating as a  professional. Sydney, Australia: Cengage Learning. This essay on Relationship Between Language and Culture was written and submitted by user Nancy Lindsay to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, April 13, 2020

My Benefit to College Now Proposal

My Benefit to College Now ProposalThis is a simple one page benefit to college application question that you can use as your cover letter for the My Benefit to College Now Proposal. It comes at no cost, and I am happy to share it with you.You can include it in the My Benefit to College Now Proposal and include the information from this section in the letter. The best thing about this question is that you can take the information from this section into the space provided on the cover letter itself.Just like any other college admissions process, a college's administrators will likely be looking for the top-ranked applicants and the most appealing individual and if this information is what you bring with you, it will work in your favor. Keep the following facts in mind: There are several things that can affect your college applications and all of these will have an impact on the acceptance or rejection of your college applications. They are: Personal statement, essay, essays, recommenda tions, and a few others.As with any other college application, you will want to be prepared and as thorough as possible. College admissions officers often put a premium on a candidate who is well-prepared and well-organized. In the above example, you will need to make sure that you include everything you need in the spaces provided on the application.Your college application will ask you to list all the educational information that you hold. If you do not have everything that you list, you may find yourself needing to turn in a supplemental supporting documentation.You will also need to submit letters of recommendation, if you have them. These are not necessary, but they are an effective way to show that you really want to attend college. Think about this: If you have made it through college, it is because you researched and found the right course for you, thus showing that you value education.However, these are all factors that college admissions officers take into consideration wh en they review college applications. When you prepare, make sure that you fully list everything that you will need, so that you do not miss anything.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Road Not Taken- Analysis essays

The Road Not Taken- Analysis essays I chose the poem because I happened to recall Robert Frosts name when viewing a database of poems on the internet, and I remembered that the poems we read earlier as a class by Frost were well written and appealed to me. This specific poems ties in with the theme of our English class, identity and that is why I chose it. I think the theme of this poem is choice, the act of making a decision that involves a lot of contemplating. Its not a simple decision such as what to wear or what to eat, but something deeper, a decision that can impact ones entire life. We make millions of decisions every day and most of them require no thought, but decisions such as identity, choosing to be yourself, or choosing to be someone else are very serious. Its not the obvious decision, that everyone is themselves, because we are so heavily influenced by the media and our peers. Basically the author, Robert Lee Frost is talking about himself making a life decision that I think involves his identity. We can take example from this and apply this in our own lives. Have we taken the road less traveled by? In every decision there are always at least two choices (in this poem the two roads would be symbols for choices) and theres always a choice that is more common than the other. When it comes to identity, its a sad fact that many people take the popular road and leave the grassy one (the unpopular but genuine one). In the first stanza the author is confused, he has a dilemma and he looks at the obvious choice in front of him. He doesnt really know what he wants And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, hes facing a hard decision long I stood. The second stanza takes a look at the second choice the author has, this road is more grassy and wanted wear. I think this means that this choice is the one people take ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What Is Emory Pre-College Program Should You Apply

What Is Emory Pre-College Program Should You Apply SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In this guide, I'll be discussing the Emory Pre-College Program, a summer program for high school students located at Emory University. The program allows students to take college-level classes (either for credit or non-credit) while living on campus at Emory or commuting. There are several subprograms under the Emory Pre-College Program (EPCP) umbrella, and while you can read all about it on the programwebsite, someinformation can be difficult to track down. For this reason, I’ve gathered all the necessary program information (details about the program, application information, cost, and more) and put it into this easy-to-read guide. I’ve created a Table of Contents so you can findeachsection if you’re only interested in a specific topic; however, I recommend reading the entire guide. Please note thatthis information is up to date for the Summer 2016 program, but program details may change for following years. What Is the Emory Pre-College Program? What Do You Do in the Program? Why Should You Attend? How To Apply and Application Requirements How Much Does It Cost? Tips on How to Get In Featured Image: Christopher Octa/Flickr What Is the Emory Pre-College Program? What Do You Do in the Program? The Emory Pre-College Program is a program for high school juniors and seniors that offers a preview of college life. Each year around 300 participants take classes and live on Emory’s campus in the dorms (you can also choose to commute) throughout the summer. There are threecourse options for program participants. You can choose to take two-week non-credit courses, six-week credit courses (only offered to commuters), or a three-week institute. What Are the Similarities and Differences Between These Program Options? For students in all threeprograms, you are only allowed to take one class per two, three, or six-week term. However, if you have the time and money, you can enroll in anadditionalterm and take an additionalcourse/institute at that time. For the two-week non-credit courses and three-week institutes, students have the option to commute or live on campus.Studentshave class 9-11:30am Monday-Friday. After class, students have lunchthenhave free time or optional activities (such as volunteer opportunities or Atlanta area excursions) from 1-4pm. In the late afternoon (4-5:30), students participate in college prep courses (known as College 101) that teach students about topics such as the college application process, financial aid, and picking a college major. After College 101, there is dinner, followed by free time or optional activities such as movie screenings or group outings to a Braves game. Curfew is at 11 pm on weekdays and midnight on weekends. On Saturdays, students in the two-week non-credit course program participate in afull day of pre-planned activities in the Atlanta area. On Sundays, students have free time with optional activities available. For the six-week credit courses, all students must commute, but they're invited to participate in all the optional social activities mentioned above (Atlanta outings, screenings, etc.).Students' schedules vary by the class they choose to take.Students will be enrolledalongside Emory undergraduates andare subject to the same academic requirements as Emory undergraduates. Thesix-week credit course will count towards your futurecollege academic record, which includes yourcollege GPAand college transcript.Your Emory transcript will needto be submitted when you apply to college. Who’s Eligible for the Program? The basic application requirements for all applicants are: Be rising high school juniors orseniors who will be at least 15 years old by the program orientation date.(If you’ve already graduated from high school, you’re ineligible.) If you’re applying to participate in a lab science course, you must be at least 16 years old by the program orientation date. Have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. If you’re an international student, you’re only eligible for the non-credit courses or institutes, and you also must meet the following qualifications: If English isn’t your first language, you must submit a TOEFL score and score close to 100 on the internet-based test. Other recognized English language qualification test scores, such as the Cambridge exams, may also be submitted. Have a valid passport. Have health insurance. What Are the Program Dates for Summer 2016? The programs dates for Summer 2016 vary by subprogram (two-week non-credit courses, six-week credit courses (only offered to commuters), or a three-week institute). Some subprograms such as the two-week non-credit courses and six-week credit courses are offered multiple times during Summer 2016. However, the different sessions have different course offerings, so look into the courses offered during each session before choosing your session date. (NOTE: the course offerings for 2016 haven't been posted yet.) Session A (two-week non-credit course): June 20 - July 1, 2016 Session B (two-week non-credit course): July 5 - July 15, 2016 Session C (two-week non-credit course): July 18 - July 29, 2016 Three-week non-credit institutes: July 5 - July 22, 2016 Session 1 (six-week credit course): May 16 - June 24, 2016 Session 2 (six-week credit course): June 27 - August 5, 2016 Why Should You Attend the Emory Pre-College Program? I’ve broken down the pros and cons of Emory's pre-college programbelow. Pros of the EPCP Test out Emory to see if it’s the right college for you. Take college courses: figure out what you might be interested in majoring in (you’d be surprised, you could find out you hate Art and want to study Biology or vice versa). Also, if you attend the 6-week program, you can get college credit. If residential, experiment with living away from your parents for the first time and gain some independence. Receive help with the college application process from Emory experts. Have a prestigious program on your resume for your college applications. If you have a positive experience with your Emory professor, you can get a letter of recommendation for your college application. These pros are useful no matter where you end up going to college, so the Pre-College program can be beneficial even if you aren't interested in or certain you want to attend Emory. Cons of the EPCP Expensive,although there is some financial aid available (I discuss the cost and financial aid below). While many program participants do go on to attend Emory, there is no guarantee of admissions and no guarantee that participating will better your chances of admission. I’d highly recommend doing the Emory Pre-College Program if you can afford it and it works withyour summer schedule. I participated in a similar program at UCLA, and the program allowed me to figure out whether I was interested in attending UCLA (which I found out I wasn’t) and what kind of coursework I wanted to pursue. How To Apply and Application Requirements You apply directly to your program of choice, either the two-week non-credit courses, six-week credit courses, or three-week institute.If you’re interested in more than one program, you can apply to multiple prorgams but will need to submit a separate application for each. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis beginning in January, butstudents hoping to receivefinancial aid (which I’ll discuss more in-depth below) should apply before the preferred financial aid deadline: April 1.While the final application deadline for Summer 2016 has not yet been decided, the Pre-College program suggests you apply early as housingis limited for the program. This suggestion seems to indicatethe earlier you apply, the more likely you'll be accepted. Program administrators will review your application and notify you via email of acceptance into the program.I spoke to someone at Emory'sPre-College office who said they look to accept students into the Pre-College programwho would be qualified to attend Emory University.Not everyone who applies will be accepted. I'll give tips on how to get acceptedbelow. The application requirements for all applicants (US International for all programs) are: $70 non-refundable application fee (paid by credit card when you apply online). Completedonline application questionnaire (asks for demographic, parent/guardian, and educational information). Submission ofan official high school transcript (which must include your grades from 9th grade through the fall of your current school year). If you’ve attended more than one high school, you will need to submit transcripts from both schools. An SAT or ACT score report sent to Emory, if available. If you haven’t yet taken the ACT or SAT, you can submit your PSAT score or PLAN report. One recommendation from a teacher or counselor (through the online portal). You’ll need to submit the teacher/counselor's name, email, and phone number for them to complete the recommendation. Additional international applicant requirements: Submission ofan official secondary school transcript with certified English translations. In your recommendation, your teacher or counselor must state your English language proficiency level. Submission ofa writing sample. TOEFL score report from ETS (Educational Testing Service). A Skype interview may also be required. How Much Doesthe Emory Pre-College Program Cost? The exact cost of EPCP varies by program and whether you’ve decided to live on campus or commute.NOTE: Commuter costs cover the cost of all programs and off-campus events. Residential fees additionally cover room, board, and three daily meals. I’ve provided the breakdowns below: Two-Week Non-credit Course Commuter $2,694 Residential $3,851 Institute (noncredit, three weeks) Commuter: $3,941 Residential: $5,851 Six-Week Credit Course (Commuter only) Three Credit Course $4,389 Four Credit Course $5,817 Remember, on top of these fees, there is a $70, non-refundable, application fee. There is also a required $350 deposit thatis non-refundable and must be paid upon acceptance into the program to secure enrollment. Is There Financial Aid? How Do You Apply? Yes, there is financial aid available, but it is only available to US Citizens or Permanent Residents and will not cover the full cost of the program. Awards range from $500 to $1000, depending on financial need and academic merit. How do you apply for financial aid?You must first complete your Emory Pre-College application and submit the $70 application fee (there is no application fee waiver available).In addition, to be considered for financial aid, you need to submit the following before April 1st, 2016: The two-pagePre-College Program Financial Aid Application (NOTE: the link is to the summer 2015 financial aid application; the summer 2016 financial aid application will not be available until January 2016) Your parents' 2015 tax returns Submit these materials either with the rest of your application or mail or fax themseparately to the Emory Pre-College Program. Fax: 404-727-6724 Address: Emory University Pre-College ProgramCandler Library, Suite 200Mailstop: 1580-002-2AA550 Asbury CircleAtlanta, GA 30322 Who Qualifies for Financial Aid? According to the Pre-College Program website, â€Å"Awards will be primarily based on demonstrated financial need and academic merit will be a secondary consideration.†Both your financial aid application (including household income, household size, and cost of attendance to your specific subprogram) and your academic history (including transcript, test scores, and teacher/guidance counselor recommendation) will be considered whendeciding if you get financial aid and how much aid you receive. Tips on How to Get In As I mentioned above, not everyone who applies to the program will be accepted. While the Emory Pre-College office doesn't publish their acceptance rate, I spoke to the Emory Pre-College office, and they said they look to accept students into the Pre-College programwho would be qualified to attend Emory University. Therefore, if you’re dying to get into the EPCP, you should try to get your GPA and scores close to (or better yet above) the GPA and score of Emory’s freshmen admits.The 25th/75th percentile average unweighted GPA for Emory’s admitted freshmen is typically 3.70 – 3.97. The 25th/75th percentile SAT score was 2020–2260, and the 25th/75th ACT score was 30-34. If you don’t meet these qualifications, don’t freak out. You’re applying for the Pre-College Program, not to Emory College, so you’ll still have a chance of admission to the Pre-College Program with lower test scores and a lower GPA. However, to have the best chance of acceptance, you’ll want to improve your test scores and GPA. While you may not have a lot of time before applying, there are ways to raise your GPA fast.If you haven’t taken the SAT or ACT yet or already took the one of the testsbut scored low, we have guides to help you raise your low ACT score or SAT score. Since there is no essay or personal statement to show who you are and your desire to do the program, your transcript, scores, and letter of recommendation need to show what a stellar student you are. For your recommendation, make sure you get the best letter you can. Check out 4 amazing example letters and 3 bad examples. What’s Next? Learn about the college application process: How To Do College Research Right: Step-By-Step Guide Complete Strategies: Common App Essay Prompts (2015-16) How to Pay for College: A Complete Guide Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: